
🔹️Septa Smart Data Processing Company was established in 2019 with the aim of providing general hardware and software services. With a professional and experienced team serving dear citizens, the main slogan of Sepenta company is customer satisfaction. The primary growth that this company sees in itself is customer satisfaction. Some of the services of this company include the design and implementation of computer networks, hardware, support services, repairs and maintenance, electronic archives and data collection, software, web and broadband services, consulting and monitoring the implementation of IT projects, among the services that Sepenta provides to government organizations and institutions, private companies and individuals...

Some of our services

Content production and site optimization

. . The importance of content production Producing suitable and high-quality content is very important for different strata of society. Of course, this importance can often be influential for those who are involved in this space; But why content production is of great importance. In relation to this issue, initially, in relation to the role [...]

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Web design

The most important services of a professional website design work site. Professional website design is one of the services of a work site. Quality is the success factor of a brand. Site templates are specially designed. Designing the website of the online store. Designing the website of the online store by the work site provides you with a platform so that you can […]

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Defining the needs to create security by CCTV cameras is the first and most important step to buy a CCTV camera to create the needs and define them as well as the expectations from it to establish security. If you need a CCTV camera for your home or for your company, your choice in the type of camera will be different [...]

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Network support and management

On-site network support and maintenance: Computer network support and maintenance services and the presence of IT or HelpDesk officials in organizations and companies due to the importance and role of information technology technologies in business continuity. It has become a permanent part. Large and medium-sized organizations usually have an independent unit called the IT unit […]

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Company experiences

    Experience is a step towards perfection and a look at the past to navigate the future, and experiences are not documented except by knowledge management. In this regard, the intelligent data processing company Sepenta has gained valuable experiences at the Elcomp 2022 international exhibition, the documentation and publication of which can be an introduction to the management of office projects, website design, content production, website SEO, CCTV, network support and management, and knowledge trade.


some of the customers
